Shannen Doherty Shuns Hollywood Beauty Standards with A Bare-Faced Selfie

Hollywood actress and producer Shannen Doherty recently shared a bare-faced selfie on Instagram, which led to many reactions. The actress shared a candid picture from a regular evening at home. She looked confident and beautiful in her makeup-free look.

This 90210 star, who recently shared her cancer journey, took to Instagram to make a statement about Hollywood beauty standards. Her post talks about real women with real skin who are not represented enough in the movies.

What Shannen Has to Say About Skin and Beauty Standards

Shannen’s candid selfie was accompanied by an equally impactful caption. She expressed that while watching movies, she noticed that real women like her rarely appear on the big screen. She also pointed out the glaring absence of women without Botox and fillers, whose skin represents the life they have lived.

Sharing her journey, Shannen went on to say that her face is a reflection of all her experiences. This includes her battle against cancer and much more. She also mentioned that she is tired of the unrealistic beauty standards of magazines and Hollywood. Furthermore, the star hopes for a world that normalizes and celebrates real skin with all of its beautiful imperfections.

Shannen’s post received positive responses from both her followers and fellow celebrities. Many agreed with how unrealistic the beauty standards are these days. Others applauded her for speaking about this problematic issue on a public platform. Shannen’s unfiltered picture and words struck a chord with the online community.

Celebrities Going Makeup-Free on Social Media – A Refreshing Break from Airbrushed Photos

The pandemic has been an eye-opener for many of us. It has shifted our focus to health and self-care, instead of looking glamorous and polished all the time. The same is true with our favorite celebrities too. Shying away from airbrushed images, many celebs have started sharing makeup-free photos online.

From Jessica Simpson’s makeup-free selfie to Jennifer Garner’s picture with messy hair, stars are trying to tell the world that they don’t look picture perfect all the time. This is a welcome change in today’s world, where many regular women like us struggle with poor skin confidence. Thanks to social media, we can now get a peek into the life of stars and know that their skin has texture and pores too. We hope that this trend of celebrating our natural skin continues as it is a confidence booster for everyone!

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